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Wins Jown Herbal Prostate Healthy Tea

Original price was: ₦6,000.00.Current price is: ₦3,500.00.

  • Relieve chronic prostrate
  • Reduce enlarged prostate
  • Stop frequent urination
  • Eliminate painful urine
  • Relieve testacular pain
  • Cures erectile dysfunction
  • Improves sexual function
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Promotes normal Urinary Function.
  • Prevention of Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate)
  • Made from 100% Natural and Organic Herbs
  • Zero Side Effects
  • Promotes Sexual Wellbeing in Men
  • Mitigates Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
  • Helps to Normalize the Prostate, reducing the rate of enlargement
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Are you suffering from enlarged prostate or frequent urination? The diseases of the prostate gland has been studied thoroughly for thousands of years. Men of all ages can suffer from acute or chronic prostatitic with or without urinary obstruction. Older men, unfortunately, suffer from more serious conditions such as hypertrophy and hyperplasia of prostate. Prostatitis may damage the functionality of the prostate gland and have an effect on sperm production. Nowadays, almost a half of male population between the ages 20-50 has been or will be affected by this disease at some point of their lives. Our Prostate Tea has excellent performance for prostate inflammation and enlargement. It also stops frequent urination and improve sexual performance in men.

This blend is a soothing combination of herbs traditionally used for centuries to help improve some of the signs of an enlarged prostate such as nighttime urination, a weak urinary stream and the frequent urge to urinate, relieving the associated symptoms of discomfort.

  • Every man is at the Risk of Prostate Enlargement, usually from the age 40 years (This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)..
  • The Symptoms may Include; Frequent Urination, Trouble/delay starting to urinate, weak stream, inability to urinate, or loss of Bladder control.
  • This tea has been specially formulated to address the health of the Prostate. The ingredients that have been used are well researched and proven to be quite efficacious for the treatment, prevention and enhancement of the Prostate health.
  • Stimulates blood circulation around the prostate gland
  • Heals enlarged prostate and scrotal pains
  • Enhances sexual endurance and prolong sexual intercourse in men
  • Stops frequent, urgent and painful urination
  • Main Ingredients: Dandelion Desmodium, Common Peony Root, Herba Lycopi, Field Pennycress
  • Specification: 20 teabags per pack


1. Men who experience frequent urination, urgent urination, urinary incontinence, dribble urination, etc.

2. Men who want to improve their sex lives. Men who suffer from testicular pain, aching back and knees, deficiency of libido, erectal dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

3. People who have been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). Chronic prostatitis can be caused by longtime sitting, cycling, drinking alcohol and even catching a cold. Long-term chronic inflammation causes fibrosis of the urethra and bladder neck and urethral stricture. The subjective symptoms are dysuria and nocturnal urination. Severe chronic
prostatitis can cause partial infertility. Hyperplasia of the prostate (prostate enlargement) can lead to renal insufficiency.


Put one teabag in a cup of freshly boiled water, cover the cup and leave if for 5-10 minutes, squeeze the teabag to ensure maximum goodness in your cup, then drink. Take 1-3 cups per day, depending on how enlarged your prostate is and use for a minimum of two months for beneficial effects.


1. Do NOT use too much salt in your diet during treatment.

2. Do NOT drink alcohol or carbonated beverages during use.

3. Do NOT apply the “Prostatic Navel Plaster” directly on open wounds, scratched skin or lacerations.

4. Do NOT apply the plaster if you are allergic to adhesive tape or to any of the components used in making the Prostatic Navel Plaster.

5. This product can NOT be used as a substitute for drugs.


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