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Herbal Hypertension Tea; Anti-Cholesterol & Anti-Blood Lipid

Original price was: ₦4,500.00.Current price is: ₦3,200.00.

  • Natural Organic Ingredients
  • No artificial preservatives nor chemicals
  • Highly Purified
  • Employs exclusively Patented Blending process
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Rich in Polysaccharides, Amino acids, Triterpenes, Steroids, Saponins, Flavonoids, and Trace Elements
  • Contains Green Tea, Cyclocarya Paliurus, Cassia, Sealwort
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  • Hypertension tea is an Effective way to control, regulate and balance Blood Sugar in Diabetics, while also enhancing cardio-vascular well-being and anti-ageing benefits.
  • To ensure that quality is guaranteed, ancient tea processing technology is combined with modern super-critical fluid extraction technology of Chinese herbal medicine, to yield this highly effective and proven diabetics tea

Health Benefits

  1. Makes for an effective defence for the Pancreas, activates the Islet Cells, Improves the Islet function,
  2. Enhance secretion of Insulin,
  3. Promote the Utilization of Glucose,
  4. Soften blood vessels; promotes circulation of blood through the heart and brain,
  5. Anti-Oxidative, resists free radicals; Anti-Inflammatory,
  6. Prevent Heart Problem; Stroke, Brain Thrombus,Improve Mental focus and memory,
  7. Strenghten the Kidney, tonify the Spleen,
  8. Nourish the Lungs,
  9. Helps lower Blood lipids and Cholesterol, lower Blood Pressure and control Obesity

  • Ingredients; Only the best quality ingredients get into the Tea Bags, and include
  1. Shennongjia Cyclocarya Paliurus (as the main material)
  2. Medicinal Sealwort Plant
  3. Cassia Seed
  4. Green Tea
  5. Chinese Yam

Cyclocarya Paliurus is referred to as “Living old” in Kingdom Plantae, owing to its usefulness and potency.

  • Research proves that Cyclocarya Paliurus is highly enriched with polysaccharides, amino acids, Trace Elements, Triterpenes, Steroids, Saponins, Flavonoids, amongst other compounds that have significant effect on Blood Sugar Lowering, lipid lowering, and Diabetes Protection.

Through highly purifying the active ingredients of Green Paliurus, with the exclusively patented process, and other herbal plants, this product can help lower Glucose and Lipids, control Diabetes, Nourish Cardio-Vascular health and as an Anti-aging agent.


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